Contest: Community Voted
Stories Back From the Read is an award held usually at the end of the review season. Join Amy Clockwork as she revisits her past favorites and reviews not only their literary mechanics, but also an optional spoiler talk as well! Each season is five to ten stories long; depending on how many stories enter. At the end of the season, the community can vote on which story should be crowned the winner. Rules and conditions for participating stories are below.
The winner has been announced! Congratulations to JawJoe's Twilight Sparkle: NightShift for First Place! Click here to read the awards ceremony or scroll down to see the awards!
To view all news and reviews on Stories Back From the Read, click here!
Stories Back From the Read 2013: The Nominees and Awards

On what begins as a normal day, Twilight Sparkle receives a letter of a romantic and (very) grammatically incorrect nature. With the help of her friends and a newly-discovered book, Twilight sets out to expose the author of this crime and teach them a lesson in proper grammar. And maybe, just maybe, she'll learn a thing or two about romance along the way. Read it here.
Tags: Romance, Comedy, Slice of Life - Rating: Everyone
Words: 14,094 words total - Featured on Equestria DailyYour Beutifull was given a score of: 7.8 out of 10 - Definitely Recommended
Read the review here.

"If you can make it in Fillydelphia, you can make it anywhere," or so the saying goes. When a young mare comes to the big city with dreams of being a reporter, she is instead thrust into a world of corruption and squalor where she will need the strength of friends to survive. Read it here.
Tags: Adventure, Slice of Life - Rating: Teen
Words: 191,213 words total

Ten years after a massive war, Equestria has changed. The Empire now rules over all, giving peace and prosperity to those that deserve it, but some are against this new rulership.
The CMC, a small, raggedy group of smugglers working for the Apple family, are caught red-hoofed by an Imperial patrol. As the friends fight for their lives, they learn about themselves, each other, and the world they now reside in.
Meanwhile, in Canterlot, Emperor Blueblood has amassed a massive fleet and is preparing to smash what is left of the rebellion under the oppressive hoof of his Empire. Read it here.
Tags: Tragedy, Dark, Adventure - Rating: Teen (Moderate violence throughout including some characters dying)
Words: 119,455 words total - Featured on Equestria DailyOf Steam Gears and Wings was given a score of: 8.2 out of 10 - Excellent.
Read the review here.

You might think that Equestrian nights are but serene exhibitions of Luna's work on the sky. You may believe that you can just lay out on the grass and admire the beautiful stars as a warm evening breeze caresses your mane. And you would be wrong.
Equestria is a magical place, and where there is magic, there is chaos. Dead rising from their graves, inanimate objects coming to life, monsters escaping the Everfree, strange apparitions making your foal cry in her room. Sounds familiar? No? Then I'm doing my job right.
I'm Twilight Sparkle, and I work the Night Shift. Read it here.
Tags: Dark, Adventure - Rating: Teen, Gore
Words: 67,856 words totalTwilight Sparkle: Night Shift was given a score of: 7.5 out of 10 - Solid
Read the review here.
Join us afterwards for the Winner Interviews with Equestria Daily pre-reader, amacita! Now posted! Click on the banner to see it!
Amy Clockwork FiM Fiction Reviews Writer & Program Manager
amacita Host of Stories Back from the Read: the Winner Interviews
Cross Stitch Network Creative Team Manager, Stories Back from the Read
Alpha Gear Network Creative Team Adviser & FiM Fiction Reviews Editor
Jack Brown Network Creative Team Adviser & Web Design Consultant
Featuring the Works of ToixStory, RavensDagger, theswimminbrony, & JawJoe
Freeze Frame by ToixStory
Of Steam Gears and Wings by RavensDagger
Your Beutifull by theswimminbrony
Twilight Sparkle: Night Shift by JawJoe
Special Thanks to Canterlot's Finest, the authors, amacita, and readers like you.
Contest Rules and Conditions
Participating authors should read this section carefully. Rules may be changed due to changing circumstances, however, the authors will be notified and changes should be rare. If an author fails to follow these rules, his/her story will be disqualified.
Rules regarding stories and authors
- Stories must be published on FiM Fiction to participate.
- Release of details regarding the contest including the contestants, the voting process, and/or other information regarded confidential is not allowed. Authors are only allowed to inform their audience of the contest and the results as the information becomes available.
- There will be no plagiarism of the material entered in the contest. If a story is found out to be discredited on the author's part, the piece will be disqualified.
- Authors are expected to follow FiM Fiction's rules and policies.
Rules regarding campaigning for votes during the contest
Authors are allowed to "campaign" for votes before and during the contest's voting period. The rules below are to ensure the contestants have a fair chance in the contest. Any author caught breaking these rules will be disqualified.
- Places authors are allowed to campaign are: personal blogs, story updates (in the author's notes section), in the participating story's description box, and on approved group sites (ask first)
- Campaigning for votes is allowed but there will be defamation nor hostility to other contestants Show good sportsmanship.
- There will be no inference during the voting process by unapproved third party organizations or groups. Any groups wanting to sponsor the event must email Admujica before posting information regarding the contest.
Thank you for reading and good luck!
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